Friday, October 21, 2011


Things haven't even thought about slowing down around here. If I had known it would be this busy I would have had kids when I was younger and had more energy. lol As crazy as it was when they were babies, I never would have thought it would get more hectic as they got older. To add to the insanity, Wyatt has been released to start physical therapy three days a week. No worries here about having too much time on our hands and getting bored. lol

This week is homecoming week at school so I made mums for the girls to wear. I was able to make all three mums for less than one would have cost if I had ordered them. That's just crazy!!

Here's Kirsten with hers.

(That's Abigail peaking around her and Addison in the background.)

There are several ribbons that they all have in common and then they each got ribbons that are specific to them. Like Addison got soccer and Abigail got band. Kirsten loves peace signs to there is one hanging from her mum. I was kidding her because there is also some ribbon with hearts on it that she picked out as well as a silver football. So I guess her mum stands for peace, love and football? They don't think I'm so funny. lol

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good Food

It's been super busy around here which is predictable once school starts back up.

Addison is busy with soccer 3-4 days per week.

Addison and Abigail both have cheer leading at least 2 days per week.

We just signed Addison up with Kumon because she's needing some help in math and that's another 2 days per week.

If we throw in working, orthodontist appointments, and now doctors appointments since Wyatt dislocated his knee, that pushes us almost into overload.

However, I have been crafting in my spare moments as I find them. They mostly come while I'm in the car waiting for someone to their current activity. lol

The other morning I did make these s'mores crescents.

I saw a picture on pinterest and decided I could probably figure it out on my own.

(btw, is anyone else as addicted to pinterest as I am? It's an obsession, people!!)

I just took crescent rolls and places a few mini marshmallows and a few chocolate chips on top.

 I rolled them up (it helps to fold the sides in after the first roll--rumor has it that the gooey stuff can leak out and make a mess--not that I would know from experience) and cooked them just a minute or two longer than the directions on the package.

I guess they tasted alright since the kids ate them all and I didn't even get to try one. But I'll take those types of critiques any day.