Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Last week was another busy week with class projects.

You know, those are bad enough when there's only one to have to push a child to complete, but when it's all four at the same time it's just insanity.

At least at my house anyway.

The kids had to write a story for their English class and it had to be about an experience in their life and then they had to make a project to go with it.

I only managed to get pictures of two of the projects though.

Wyatt's story was about the people that own the land next to ours and a time when the kids got in trouble by those land owners for being on their property. His project had the guy that yelled at them in his truck. I dyed coconut green for him to glue down for grass, he used brown sugar for the dirt, and got some rocks from outside for some of the landscaping. I didn't think it was too bad but he wasn't thrilled with it. Hmmmm.......maybe he would have had more time to 'perfect' it if he hadn't kept putting it off until the last minute. Now that would just be crazy!!  Anyway, he told me it wasn't the best one there but after I asked he had to admit that it wasn't the worst one either. lol All of that to say that I didn't get a picture of his.

Addison wrote about a time that we went to the movies (the first time her and her friend got to go sit by themselves) and how these people sitting close to them kept bothering them by talking to them during the movie. So her project was inside of a shoe box and was a dark movie theatre. It was too dark to get a picture of.

Kirsten wrote about the cruise we went on a couple of years ago. (Gaaahhhh! I can't believe it's been that long already!) Anyway, she made a cruise ship.

 I thought she did a pretty decent job.

Abigail wrote about the time she fell in p.e. and cut her head open. Her Dad picked her up and took her to get stitches, and then passed out while they were doing it. That's him on the floor in her diorama.

I just had to laugh. Do you see the cut on her head with the blood oozing out? And the doctor going to help Dax and leaving her on the table? If I could have gotten a picture of her clay face the eyes are really big and the mouth is open in a circle. Too funny!

At least there was a little laughter in the stress of pushing to get these projects done, right?

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