Sunday, April 21, 2013

My how time flies!

Wow! It seems that another bunch of time has passed since I was on here last. I haven't really had time to work anything new. I've got a couple of recipes that I'll share soon but that's been about the whole of it.

It was a crazy busy tax season at the office and with quarterly reports now due it hasn't really slowed down much.

We've also been busy dealing with the crappy stuff that life sometimes throws at us all.

Two weeks ago one of our dogs was poisoned with anti-freeze. What a horrible thing to do to an animal. It's an awful way to die. And the daughter that this dog belonged to was very attached and involved with her dog and she loved him so very much. It's been heartbreaking to see her go through the hurt of his death and how awful it was.

Not long before this happened, she painted this picture of him:

Not bad for a 14 year old girl that's taking art at school for the first time this year......if I do say so myself. lol

She is coping with it by drawing and painting and I'm glad she has that outlet.

Another daughter was in a pageant yesterday and when we got home I found that our refrigerator isn't cooling. *sigh* I am completely grateful that we have another refrigerator in the garage that doesn't usually have much in it so that I at least had somewhere to put the food until we can get a repair man out to the house.

But somewhere in the meantime, I'll try to get back to doing things that I like.....

1 comment:

Teri said...

I see talent there! And I just have to LOVE the! Tell her she is off to a wonderful start, and I'm already looking forward to her next project! WONDERFUL post..thank you for the smile she gave me!