Monday, February 26, 2018

A finish

This year, for the second year, I am participating in a group effort of Year of WIPs. (If you don't know, a WIP is a Work In Progress. It is often confusing keeping up with what these acronyms mean in different areas of our lives.)

Anyway, at the beginning of the year, I chose 18 WIPs - because it's 2018 - in hopes of getting them all completed this year. I chose some that I knew would be no problem, some that will challenge me, and some in between.

Well, over the weekend, I got one of my pieces finished.

I started this in February of last year as part of a Facebook group, Freebie February. I made some mistakes that only served to frustrate me, so I sat it aside...........and mostly ignored it. I decided to finally push through and get it done as part of this year's challenge.

I'm thrilled!

This is my third piece from my YOW list to have completed. I guess I could take pictures and show the other two that I've finished. Duh! But what finishing three already means is that I'm going to run out of the easy-to-finish pieces soon. Eek! Then I'll just be left with my challenge pieces.

If you would like to stitch this, the pattern is free at here.

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