Friday, March 18, 2011

Another Finish!!!

Woohoo!!! I got something else finished!  Maybe if I didn't have anything else to do for about ten years, and I didn't start anything new, I could finish up all of my ufo's. LOL

This was a mystery block from You Can Make This that I did quite awhile back. I'm talking like 2-3 years ago.

When I got the top finished, I wanted the back to be in a fabric with ice cream on it to kind of fit with the theme. It took me forever to find this fabric that I used. Now, of course, I can find all kinds of fabric with ice cream on it. Isn't that the way it always goes? That just might explain why some of us have a problem with hoarding fabric. lol

I didn't quilt it all over because I couldn't make up my mind on what to do. Instead I just tied it everywhere that the buttons are. One of my daughters went through a tin of my buttons and picked out the ones she liked and where they should go. That works for me. :0)

I also recently saw a post (somewhere that I can't remember now) and the quilter was talking about how much she loved doing rounded corners on her quilts. I like the look of them and decided to give it a try. I have to say that I agree with her!! I like this table runner so much more with the corners rounded. It changed the whole look of the piece. It's amazing how something so small like that can make such a difference.

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