Monday, March 28, 2011


I know I've been so neglectful of this blog. It's not that I don't want to update it with what's going on. I'm just so busy, and frankly on some days I'm just frazzled. My husband is a CPA and we own our own little two person accounting business......those two people being him and I. As you can probably guess, this is a very busy time for us as far as business goes. The kids just add to that. Here's an example of a week in the life outside of the office. I try to squeeze in crafting when I have the time (or energy). LOL

Anyway, I realized that I never did show my goodies from the brooch exchange that I participated in.

Here's the haul.....

Isn't this little cloud too cute?

I got a lot of cute brooches. It was a really fun swap. I like these that don't have too many rules, that way I don't worry so much about it. LOL

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